Bearing Fruit: Kindness

The way we act and speak towards others can show what kind of Fruit we bear. It is up to us whether we want to bear good fruit or bad fruit. As believers in Christ, the Fruit of the Spirit should always be active in our lives and active in our every day walk with the Lord. 

When I think of bearing the Fruit of the Spirit, it reminds me that the Lord loves us, He is kind, He is gentle, and He is always faithful. Oftentimes our selfish desires can get in the way, so how can we be kind to those around us?

We can show kindness in so many different ways. That may look like encouraging a friend when they are facing a battle, praying for someone who is struggling in their walk with God, lending a helping hand to someone in need, or forgiving a friend who has hurt you. Jesus wants us to treat others the same way we want to be treated, as His Word says. 

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” - Luke 6:31

The Lord shows us kindness even when we don’t deserve it. His unconditional love is never-ending. When I think of bearing kindness, the word “Grace” often comes to mind. Christ so graciously gave up His own life for us so that we could be free from all of our sin and shame. I would say that’s the true definition of kindness. 

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people." - Titus 2:11

The Lord wants us to have a heart full of kindness, so that we can love others just as He loves us. When we show kindness in everything that we do, we will bear good Fruit.

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