Turn it Around

Repent every day.

Repentance is simply turning around. We sometimes act like repentance is only necessary for the big, obvious sins. As if repentance is only needed when we've fallen away from Jesus and end up at rock bottom.

Of course repentance is necessary in that circumstance too, but we need more than that.

Every day we fight against spiritual forces of evil that are trying to pull us away from the good path God has planned for us. It's easy to get disoriented and turned around, even when it 's just in the little things.

We get frustrated, impatient, bitter, jealous, offended. The list could go on. These things come up daily and though they may not be a glaring, obvious sin, they are also not fruit of the Spirit. And if our life is not producing the fruit of the Spirit, there's something we need to repent from so we can turn back toward Christ.

“Search me O God and know my heart... Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” - Psalm 139:23-24

To be led to everlasting life, you have to turn toward it.

Every day turn back toward Christ. Reorient yourself. Repent even for the things that you don’t know you did. Ask God to show you those things and then repent from them. Turn away from them and figure out how you’re going to stop doing that thing again tomorrow. Replace the things in your life that are producing bad fruit with things of God. Then you'll start to see your life produce the fruit of the Spirit in ever-increasing measures. 

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