Do More in 2024

A few weeks ago I wrote about being with God instead of doing for God. My first reaction to the word to “do more in 2024” was honestly a little off-put. My worn out, sleep deprived flesh immediately started groaning at the thought of adding anything else to the to-do list. It felt like I was being told I had to work for God’s love.

But that’s not it at all. As I sought God in prayer, He revealed His heart for me in the word to “do more.” Here’s what He told me…

God doesn’t want us to do more things to impress the world. He doesn’t want us to do more things that make us look like “good Christians” by people’s standards. He doesn’t care about our Instagram feed, how tidy and put together your life looks, or how successful you are in your job. He doesn’t even care how much you serve in church if it’s from a motivation to look good to others.

“I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs… I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar…I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride.”  - Psalm 101:1,3-5

“Do more in 2024” means to do more of what God calls us to. More prayer, more praise, more worship. More talking to people about who He is and what He’s done in your life. More disciple-making. More becoming like Christ and seeking Him in scripture. More forgiving people who hurt us. More loving people who are hard to love. More caring for the poor, the orphan and the widow.
Now, I know for some of you that feels like an extensive to-do list and you’re tired just thinking about adding all of this on to your already busy life. But can I tell you something?

When you do the things of God out of a genuine love for God and love for people, these things become life-giving rather than draining. You’ll begin to look forward to seeking God in these ways and more because they’ll become your lifeline connecting you to the Father, who is the true source of all life.

Like Psalm 101 says, we’ve got to cut out those things of the world that draw us away from God’s presence without compromise.
The Holy Spirit is lighting the fire in our souls, but we’ve got to stoke the flames to keep it burning hot. Doing the things of God is how we stoke that fire and keep the momentum going. So let’s do more in 2024 and watch God do mighty things through us!
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