Bearing Fruit: Patience

As we continue our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, I have the honor and privilege to write about long-suffering or patience. What started out as an easy assignment, has taken me longer to complete. So many things went through my mind over the past few weeks, but I could not complete the blog. It felt like I was waiting for the words to come. I guess you can say that I had to wait until the Lord showed up to finish the job.

Philippians 1:6 states, "Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

One of the reasons why we can operate in patience is because we trust and believe God will finish what he started. He does not start anything without a purpose or an ending. Being patient requires trusting in the creator and the originator of the promise. He is not slack concerning his promises. We must trust his timing and know that whatever he is doing, he is doing it well.

As stated before, patience trusts the timing of God. In John chapter 11, word was sent to Jesus by the sisters of Lazarus that he was sick. They wanted Jesus to come and heal him. Instead of rushing at their request, he waited two more days. By the time he arrived, Lazarus had been in the grave four days.

Martha and Mary told Jesus if he had been here, their brother would still be alive. One thing we must never forget is the truth about Jesus. He is the resurrection and when he steps on the scene, life comes forth from any situation. They only needed to believe. This delay not only increased the faith of Martha and Mary, but it reached a greater audience, and many believed in Jesus.

Patience is by the spirit and faith, not the flesh and fear. The flesh is full of anxiety and wants its needs met immediately without trusting. Sometimes your waiting period is not just about you. There is a greater result and reach that God wants to do through your situation.

Waiting in peace and with joy allows you to enjoy each day without feeling overlooked or abandoned. As children of The Most High, we know we are loved and must continue to live as such.

Patience is a part of God’s character and being that we are a part of his family, those same characteristics are in us as well through the Holy Spirit. If you have him, you have patience.

James 1:4 says, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

It goes back to God completing things within you. There is a greater work happening. Let him work. Patience always gives room for perfecting.

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