Get Connected

The enemy wants us to believe the lie that we don’t have time to step away from the busy and the stress to be refueled by God, because he knows how critical and impactful it will be!

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:4-5

Jesus taught his disciples to remain in him, like fruit on a vine. There's no closer connection than that. Fruit that's still on the vine is practically one with the vine. It gets all of its nutrients from it and can only thrive as long as it's connected to it. The second it gets disconnected is the second it begins to decay.

So, if we are the fruit, Jesus is asking us to stay connected to Him at ALL times. He knows the second we disconnect from Him is when we begin to metaphorically decay. This is a warning given out of deep love for us.

Yet, we can be so quick to forget about Jesus in the busy or stressful moments of life. This is where those lies start to pop into your head.

"There's too much going on to step away."
"I just need to push through and finish this task."
"If I walk away, someone might need me, and I won't be there."

These are the subtle lies that the enemy uses to keep us from seeking refuge in God in the middle of the busy days. He knows that we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. And he knows that if we just took five minutes to find a quiet space and ask God for help, that God's going to help us! Those five minutes can change the whole day, and the enemy will do whatever he can to keep that from happening.

Instead of giving in to the lies and trying to "power through" the stress, let's try humbling ourselves and seeking God for renewal. He will give it every time. It could be as simple as taking a deep breath and asking God what task needs to be prioritized first. Maybe it's taking a quick walk outside.

Whatever it is, find the way you connect best with God, and make room for it. Especially on the busy days - you can't afford not to.
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