Does the Bible Really Tell You to Be Perfect?

“You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” - Matthew 5:48

God DOES call us to be perfect. But it can’t be by our own willpower, organization charts, and planners. When we seek perfection on our own, we fall short and spiral into cycles of shame, guilt, pride, and a deep insecurity. Seeking perfection this way only draws us deeper into ourselves and way from the Living God.

But when we rely on the Holy Spirit to make us perfect, it just flows. This kind of perfection produces gratitude, joy, humility, and love. When we realize that God sees us as perfect through the lens of Christ’s death and resurrection, we can’t help but give glory to God!

To do that you have to abide in Christ. Jesus must become your default setting. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never make a mistake again or face difficult situations. What it does mean is that you are fully relying on Christ to direct you in every situation by the Holy Spirit that dwells in you. Then when you do mess up, you are quick to receive correction from the Spirit and repent.

“And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” - James 1:4

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