Peace is in the Room

When you are seeking the Lord, His word says you will find him. He’s in everything when we are actively and intentionally seeking His hand.

As I sit in my classroom hoping and wishing everyone would fall asleep, it did not happen today. I had to be honest with this decision because it is what it is. Sometimes when we want “the good” days to stay on repeat, we will do anything to achieve it. This is called manipulation.

The word says in Psalm 118:24 “this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” 

It also says in Romans 8:28 ”And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.“

Even though nap time allows me a little more quiet time outside of my lunch break, it’s not guaranteed. I can’t manipulate a situation to fit my wants. It has to be according to what God sees fit for this day. How will I handle the situation not working out how I expected? Will I be upset? Will I try to force my will? Will I remain frustrated and feeling defeated? The answer is no. I can’t. The Father won’t let me.

Instead, I must lean on Him to get me through the times where I must stay present even when others are not where I would want them to be. I must remain in control of my emotions no matter how frustrating the situation is. I must let go of what I want and receive God's grace to get through this time.

I must remember that it’s temporal and soon everyone will wake up and be on one accord. I need to take the time to  be present and understand that it doesn’t have to be silent for peace to be in the room. Peace is within me.

It’s already in the room.
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